The recently released movie "Gumnaami" which is based on declassification of files related to death of late freedom fighter Shri Subhash Chandra Bose shows that in India only the supreme power wins at the end. No matter even if that power is supporting the negativity and trying to suppress the truth and reality.
The immense efforts of journalists who've done intense research for years under "Mission Netaji" to prove to Indian parliament that Netaji did not die in plane crash and he has lived in India as monk till 1985 all went in vain just because of such supreme power who didn't want the truth to win.The truth which is so simple to be proved is taking years for final judgment just because of hindrances by negative powers.
I hear the honest IAS/IPS officers gets transferred quite frequently because they try to be whistleblower against wrongdoings of supreme power in their field.
I also hear one who's honest amongst the crowd of corrupt people also has to suffer the most be it in political career, during struggle for freedom,during professional jobs or even in business entrepreneurship.
Reason for relating the story of movie "Gumnaami" with the story of various workplaces in present India is just to make all of us aware that we've not yet got Independence from those supreme powers in various workplaces in various parts of our country. Many brave hearted freedom fighters gave up their life just to make us free from slavery. It will be an honour for those late martyrs If anyone of us will show the courage to become whistleblower for anything wrong that such supreme powers try to do for their hidden benefits.
Many have sacrificed their lives and that's why we're living a normal life in peaceful environment. So,if we can do our bit towards such people then we contribute towards late as well as living souls who've fought and still fighting for freedom of speech and expression.
You can play your role to support change for the better, fearlessness is all that's required for doing something right for the right.
Manjri Bhosle