Saturday 13 June 2020

Growth is directly related to change.India needs to change.

In western countries it's like earn while you learn.This doesn't only helps youngsters to fund their education but also helps them to get practical job experience as soon as they step outside school.They get a chance to groom themselves early in life without the need to deep dive into books. Real world is way too different from bookish world.

However,in India companies set so much benchmarks to recruit a person that by the time they grab a job,they've already wasted so many years for hunting a decent job.

Additionally,education loans burden them so much that even after securing job they have to invest so many years to repay such loan.Half of their life end up getting messed up with hunting for jobs & paying loans.

This also affects the GDP growth of india because inspite of being capable to work,youngsters end up investing time in getting degrees which ultimately doesn't get that valued because most company look to recruit experienced people.

We see highly talented people are working in low salaries,talented people getting laid off,unequal payment for skilled and unskilled or semi-skilled people. All these force many indians to leave India in search of  better life in western countries.

Unskilled/semi-skilled people often end up doing crimes to feed their families. Statistics in India has shown that poverty has been most prominent reason for crimes in India. 

When actually we will see a positive change in our country ? Can our next generation feel the change which we couldn't feel ? 

With such questions in mind all I can do is just to wait for change to happen. 

Share if you agree to it.


Monday 8 June 2020

Early morning detox with methi-ajwain water and pumpkin seeds.

About :

1. Pumpkin seeds contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, antioxidants, and fiber. This combination has benefits for both the heart and liver. The fiber in pumpkin seeds helps lower the total amount of cholesterol in the blood and decrease the risk of heart disease.

2. METHI seeds :

•Balance cholesterol.

•Soothe upset stomach and digestive problems.

•Reduce menstrual cramps.

•Reduce appetite.

•Reduce fat mass.

•Maintain liver and kidney health.

•Soothe muscle pain.

3. Ajwain :
   •Instant Relief from Acidity and Indigestion

•Treats Common Cold

•To Stop Greying of Hair

•Cleansing skin

•Eases the Pain Due to Arthritis


के बारे में :

1. कद्दू के बीज में ओमेगा -3 और ओमेगा -6 फैटी एसिड, एंटीऑक्सिडेंट और फाइबर होते हैं। इस संयोजन से दिल और जिगर दोनों के लिए लाभ हैं। कद्दू के बीज में फाइबर रक्त में कोलेस्ट्रॉल की कुल मात्रा को कम करने और हृदय रोग के जोखिम को कम करने में मदद करता है।

2. METHI बीज:

• कोलेस्ट्रॉल को संतुलित करता है।

• पेट और पाचन समस्याओं को संतुलित करता है।

• मासिक धर्म की ऐंठन को कम करें।

• भूख कम करें।

• वसा द्रव्यमान कम करें।

• जिगर और गुर्दे के स्वास्थ्य को बनाए रखें।

• मांसपेशियों में दर्द कम करें।

3. अजवाईन:

• एसिडिटी और अपच से तुरंत राहत

• सामान्य जुकाम का इलाज करता है

• बालों का झड़ना बंद करने के लिए

• त्वचा की सफाई करता है

• गठिया के कारण दर्द को दूर करता है