When the whole world is going through the deadly side-effects of coronavirus pandemic,China from where the Sars-Cov-2 (Novel Coronavirus) has actually got originated is so stable in terms of cases of infections as well as economic stability.
Did you ever thought what might have been the reasons behind managing covid so well in China? Is China better than other developed countries in terms of medical healthcare facilities? The answer is "NO".
So,how could China being the most populous country in the world controlled the pandemic so well ?
Let's read this story to understand this !
China has prepared a tailor made SARS-COV-2 in a virology lab in Wuhan as per their plan for a biological war towards countries around the globe.
Virus was deadly for senior citizens because they were not needed in China as the population is way too much so this could kill those not needed in China. Virus did not affect children initially (without mutation) because children are future of China's growth. And then this VIRUS was sent by China to countries around the globe to weaken the economy in these countries in order to become supreme powerful country.
This way one sided war has already done by China but still the perpetrators are roaming scott free because they've portrayed themselves to be a victim of virus too.
They already had formula to make vaccine because they've only made Virus so genetic coding to infect & decoding to cure, both were there with China & thus they could normalize situation in China asap.
And now when the economy of World's best countries have dropped down to record low in numbers,China is growing their business by entering into business of manufacturing and export of medical equipments that are needed to fight with novel coronavirus.
Like me,if you also think this story to be true to large extent then kindly share to support.
© Adv.Manjri Bhosle