Sunday, 30 July 2017

We all grow up by following path shown by our generation but does that path really help us to grow? Read to know what actually MATURITY should mean to us!


Maturity is when you realize that :
Money can almost buy everything.
* Almost*

You should stop following ‘Live life as you will die tomorrow ' because ‘You live everyday but you die just once' .

There are much more important things to do first in the morning than checking your notifications.

You yourself is your own saviour. Expecting something good to happen without putting own efforts is completely a myth. 

Your self-respect is more important than the relationship. The relationship is more important than your ego.

Saving ₹10 would not do much good to you but giving the rickshaw puller that extra ₹10 would add much more to his penny.

Your health and your body are a gift. Take good care of them.

Getting 300+ likes on a pretty picture on Facebook is pretty much useless Though same number of likes on personal creativity is valuable 

Trying various filters of instagram /snapchat doesn't really change your appearance in reality. 

It's way more important to spend quality time with near & dear ones rather than staying indulged in putting check-ins & posting snapshots on social media while being amongst them. 

Loud makeover on face Is required for special occasions and not generally to cover your original identity just to impress someone whose interest in you is all because of makeover. 

Being heartbroken won't fetch you marks or a job.

There is a fine line between being sarcastic and being offensive.

Your friends will just be names in your contact lists in near future.

You want a marriage, not a wedding.

You spend your income more on others instead of yourself.

Your parents are ageing and your roles have exchanged.

Feminists are humane and feminazis are sexist.

Your favorite page has changed from Facebook to LinkedIn.

You should not ask questions like “My boyfriend is not interested in me. What should I do?” on Quora to prevent it from becoming Facebook version 2.0.

Smoking, drinking and drugs are not cool.These doesn't really make you classy or elite person of society 

The child inside you shouldn't die.

Growing up was a trap 


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RELIGION (Worshipping) is not equal to Superstition.


I've got a point of view. Why doesn't forced religion is being recognized as punishable in eyes of law?

Praying silently will make one soul happy in the same way as praying with noise.Nowadays in various parts of country communal violence In name of worshipping God is disturbing the pleasant life of a common man. Additionally loud speakers exhibiting loud sound as morning prayers also destroys peace of someone whose time has been bad & who needs some peaceful surrounding. It should be  pray & let others live peacefully. 

People apply various unique methods of praying in order to impress their diety but can a day without working & only praying make you capable enough of earning your own livelihood? 

It's just that we should remember almighty silently & thank for goodness that we get in life & at the same time deliver our work & responsibilities for a healthy & happy life.

I've noticed many people pray to become wealthy & their wishes are coupled with greed. They're willing to donate precious stuffs like gold & silver to an idol but they don't even give a damn if a poor malnutritioned beggar will ask for food or pennies. They don't just pray to get peace of mind but to get wealth in life.

 Had it been that only praying could make one wealthy then most priests in our country would've been millionaire. I do respect priests because they devote their whole life into worshipping  but here I'm explaining the reality (no offences). I too am a holy person, I respect people's believe in their respective dieties & I worship KARMA  but my prayers are not coupled with superstitious beliefs. I pray to get peace of mind which everyone should do.

               ~Manjri Bhosle 

Share if you agree to support  change for the better 

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Why do Indians resist paying taxes ? Interesting thoughts on why Indian resist paying taxes!

Dear Politicians,

This is what we honest citizens feel about our Governments - Central and State.
On behalf of professionals & businessmen and common man, some facts are expressed :

We are not doing Tax '"Chori"'. This is tax saving (a bit of evading too).
This is to ensure security of our family, kids and their future for any adversity.

1. We bought Generators/Inverter in our houses, because Govt. failed to provide constant electricity.

2. We installed submersible pumps, because Govt. failed to provide water.

3. We hired own security guards, because Govt. failed to provide security.

4. We send our kids to private schools, because Govt failed to provide good education in public schools.

5. We headed for private hospitals to avail proper care and treatment, because Govt. failed to provide good public hospitals.

6. We bought cars because Govt. failed to provide good transportation.

FINALLY, what the tax payer gets in return at the retirement, when he needs most to survive ?

*Nothing, no social security*

But instead all his/her hard earned income resource is used by Government to distribute subsidies and freebies in the name of welfare schemes among masses to buy "free votes" to those who don't pay any taxes.

Above all what Govt do with our (tax) money?

*Open courts which takes so long to give verdict in even simplest cases.

*Open police station which works for politicians & baboos only and not to protect common citizens.

*Open hospital which do not treat us well & rather inflates medical bills by giving vague reasons.

*Build roads wherein 40-100% of money spent goes in vain due to corruption.

Endless list it's gonna be.

Like western democracies, if Indian Government could provide all the above, why would anyone save taxes or even evade taxes ?

We all know that the major tax revenues collected from us are consumed by Government officials and politicians (billions of dollars are lying in foreign banks).

A manufacturer works at a margin of between 2% to 10% , whereas government needs 30% of his income to cover it's expenditure. How fair it is all ?

That's the reason no one wants to pay taxes in an honest manner.

We save taxes for our necessities, family & for our old age, for our safety, security and this phenomenon is the sign of failure of Government in discharging it's own functions fairly and efficiently. Government alone is responsible for this.

But on the other hand.

We challenge that if Govt announces that Rs.1000 crore is required for Indian Army or floods or earthquake victims !

The same amount will be deposited within couple of days by these "Tax Savers" only.

We will come forward with open hearts.

My dear friends,
If you agree with this opinion please forward this until the Government realises.