Sunday, 5 August 2018

How to improve overall mental health at workplace? Read to know more about it📖

Sound mental health is very essential to become emotionally intelligent & resilient at workplace. It helps the person to adjust in dynamic environment. Here are some of the vulnerabilities, concerns, improvements & worries that should be taken care of at workplace :

1. CONCERNS : At workplace I'm concerned about equal & fair behavior towards all irrespective of appearance, caste, creed, complexion, disability, age, sex or wealth. We should always treat any colleague in a way, we ourselves would like to get treated from him/her.

2. WORRIES : I personally feel that worrying is a waste of time. Things aren't gonna change just by worrying & not acting upon it. Perseverance has got power to turn obstacles into happy ending moments. Positive approach towards life actually makes life better.

3. IMPROVEMENTS : It's very important to detach ourselves from social media's "reel life world" w.r.t what's app, facebook, Instagram, snap chat etc. after waking up in the morning, before going to bed at night & also amidst the day when there's no urgent requirement. It'll definitely help a person to focus on productive things like taking out time for gymming, yoga, meditation, reading since these activities provide immense positive effects on mind & body.

4. VULNERABILITIES : Not coming out of one's own comfort zone is a big vulnerability which will always stop personal growth and develop fear to take up real path in life. Many at times, we discover our hidden potential when we take up challenges that are beyond our comfort zone.

Best Regards,

Manjri Bhosle 

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